
 Growth Mindset and Grit   Growth Mindset | Fixed Mindset   Fixed Mindset       A  Fixed mindset is a belief that talents, traits, and basic abilities are fixed and can't be changed. A fixed mindset assumes that your character, intelligence, and creativity are unchanging and that you can do nothing to change that. A person with a fixed mindset believes that to succeed in every situation, you have to prove yourselves and prove that your given abilities and characteristic traits are enough.   A fixed mindset leads to frustration, failure, and learned helplessness. No amount of effort will improve your chances of success.  You can't change. You are what you are. Your success is what it is. If you don't have the skills or intelligence to complete a task, there's no chance for improvement. Myopic It is what it is; I cannot change it. "I can't"  Growth Mindset     The growth mindset is the opposite of a fixed mindset. Professer Carol Dweck of Standford Universit
  The Parenting Pyramid     There is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting.  However, the parenting pyramid creates a paradigm shift. Instead of parents asking, "What do we do when things go wrong" to "How can we help things go right?"      Parents weren't meant to spend most of their time correcting their children.  What?  How can that be? Is this even a possibility? If parents weren't meant to spend most of their time correcting their children, where should they spend most of their time?  What is the parenting pyramid? The parenting pyramid is a model for raising children created by the Arbinger Institute (1998) . The parenting pyramid is structured with the idea that children have four basic needs: love, nurturing, discipline, guidance, and structure. This pyramid is focused on helping things go right at home and being proactive in our parenting instead of reactive, no matter what situations arise. It helps parents learn to act instead of being acted
  Parenting Styles     What are parenting styles?  A parenting style is a pattern of attitudes, ideas, behaviors, and approaches a parent uses when interacting with and raising their children.  What are the 4 parenting styles? The four parenting styles are authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved.  Diana Baumrind identified the first three parenting styles, while Dleanor Macoby and John Martin added the fourth one after further research (Cherry, 2022).  Each of these styles of parenting affects children's behavior differently. Developmental psychologists have been interested in the cause-and-effect relationship of how parents' parenting styles affect how their children turn out. Some parenting styles are better than others.  1. Authoritarian (My way or the highway, or Because I said so)     Characteristics of an authoritarian parenting style include:     Children are expected to follow strict rules set by parents. Parents do not explain the reasoning behind the
What Exactly is Parenting With Real Intent?           What is Real Intent? I ntent is defined as a design, a purpose, intention' meaning. (Noah Webster Dictionary, 1830) With that definition in mind, one can define intentional parenting as parenting with purpose, intention, and meaning.  A person who does something with real intent is not half-hearted about it. They are all in. Brother Randall L. Rid Taught that "real intent" also means being aware of your motives. He said,(It is important, in today's world, to be intentional about why you do what you do" (Ridd, 2015). What Does Intentional Parenting Look Like? Parenting with "real intent" begins with the end in mind. What type of person do you want your children to become?  What time of parent do you need to become for your child? Take time to sit with these questions, then write down your answers. Then adjust your goals for parenting to become the parent your child needs you to be so that they can be